
iOS & Android applications

Our experience creating complex enterprise solutions enables us to deliver superior results and take advantage of the best leading practices for both Android and iOS development.

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Our native mobile apps are engineered for peak performance and superior operational efficiency, ensuring an optimized and seamless user experience.

Define advertising KPIs

App installations represent an easily measurable KPI that helps set clear goals when promoting your business. They pay back down the road as first-time installers eventually become frequent users.

Enhanced security

We favor native apps because of their reliability and security. These apps use the core languages of each OS, guaranteeing more robust protection against security violations.

Mobile Hardware Integration

At LabForty, we develop native apps that take full advantage of the hardware and OS features of the devices they run on, such as GPS, microphone, camera, and push notifications.

Push notifications

We set you up to send unobtrusive notifications to your customers, whether they’ve opened your app or not. The ability to send push notifications is one of the most appealing features of having your own app.

Enhanced security

We favor native apps

These apps use the core languages of each OS, guaranteeing more robust protection against security violations.

Tech Stack

Mobile development technologies

Let's Talk

React Native

Developers can see changes they make to the code in real-time without needing to recompile the app.


Kotlin is a modern, object oriented and type-safe programming language. Kotlin enables developers to build many types of secure, robust applications that run in Android.


Swift is a modern, object-oriented and type-safe programming language. Swift enables developers to build many types of secure, robust applications that run in iOS.

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